Last month, we brought back support for the CRM Travels plugin for selecting tours and transferring applications in one click from the tour operator's office. During this month, we restored the plug-in to its pre-war level - all major operators are supported. Also, many colleagues asked us to return the online selection of tours to the system, but it was not active on the part of the TURS developers. Now the situation has improved and TURS has resumed the development and support of the tour selection aggregator. Many new European (and not only) cities for departure have been added, functionality has been improved. So we added selection of tours to CRM Travels - now you can make selections for customers directly from CRM in a few clicks, as before. The link to the selection of tours is located at the top in the left menu:
Zamów konsultację w sprawie CRM Travels
Zamów konsultację w sprawie CRM Travels
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