Update in billing documents

Today, the CRM Travels travel agency program has updated the algorithm for printing documents in the Payments section. Now all receipts and accounts will have a unique sequence number that does not match the payment ID (as it was before). This means that for each Receipt order, Settlement receipt, Invoice for payment there will be your number in order. This will help to avoid the situation when you have the last receipt order was №1000, and the next №1005. You can set the initial sequence number in the "Document Templates" section. Just go to the desired template from the Payments section and put in the column "Document number (initial count)" the desired number, the default is 1000.
In addition, now all payment documents are in a separate table (in the Payments section at the top of the same blue button) and you can track who and when formed this or that payment document. Formation occurs when you click the "Generate Document" button when you first print.

Раздел "Сформированные документы"


Also for companies from Ukraine is now available for printing Calculated receipt (Form RK-1). Go to the "Document Templates" section and download this free template, and update the old ones.
